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dc.descriptionOne day, three farm boys come upon a wounded outlaw named Harry Spikes. They take him to one of the boys' barn, nurse him back to health, shield him from a sheriff's posse, and let him go on his way. Later, to escape the tyrannical discipline of their parents, the three boys run away from home in search of adventure and excitement. In the first town they come to, they bungle a bank robbery, and shoot and kill a state senator by accident. Then, with the law in hot pursuit, they flee across the Texas border into Mexico. Upon arriving there, they happily reunite with Harry Spikes. He takes the boys under his wing, teaches them the outlaw's trade, and the four of them cross the border back into Texas. After careful preparation, they attempt a bank robbery that goes horribly wrong. Tragically, the boys discover that Harry Spikes is not the genuine hero that they thought he was. Lee Marvin, Gary Grimes, Ron Howard, and Charles Martin Smith star in this thrilling Western tale that examines the tragic consequences of hero worship and the loss of youthful
dc.rightsAccés amb finalitat d’estudi o recerca o amb altres finalitats no comercials emparades en les excepcions legals a l’autorització de l’autor en què cal citar la font “Filmoteca de Catalunya”. Per a qualsevol altre ús cal demanar-ne l’autorització per correu electrònic a:
dc.rightsAccess for study, research or other non-commercial purposes covered by the legal exceptions to the author’s authorisation which require the source ‘Filmoteca de Catalunya’ to be referenced. For any other use, authorisation must be requested by email from:
dc.rightsAcceso con finalidad de estudio o investigación o con otras finalidades no comerciales amparadas en las excepciones legales a la autorización del autor donde es preciso citar la fuente “Filmoteca de Catalunya”. Para cualquier otro uso se debe solicitar su autorización por correo electrónico a:
dc.titleSPIKES GANG, THEca
dc.title.alternativeTres forajidos y un pistoleroca
dc.coverage.countryEstats Unitsca
dc.literarycreationTIPPETTE, Giles. The bank
dc.productionDuo Productionsca
dc.productionMirisch Corporationca
dc.productionSanford Productionsca
dc.creator.actorMarvin, Leeca
dc.creator.actorGrimes, Garyca
dc.creator.actorHoward, Ronca
dc.creator.directorFleischer, Richardca
dc.creator.fotografiaWest, Brianca
dc.creator.guionistaRavetch, Irvingca
dc.creator.guionistaFrank Jr., Harrietca
dc.creator.musicaKarlin, Fredca
dc.relation.colleccioFitxa film

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