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dc.descriptionMovie producer Max Poulton is having an on again, off again affair with Gina Bertini, the temperamental leading lady in his latest movie which is filming in the French Riviera. Gina and Max's current off again status is due to Max vowing to make a go of his marriage to his loving wife, Carol Poulton, with who he has had a sometimes strained relationship. Gina and Max's relationship moves into another realm when she threatens to tell Carol of the the affair. That's why Max is hesitant to divulge the full nature of his relationship to Gina when she is found murdered. He is certain that the murderer is a man named Carliss, who introduced himself to Max earlier as being with Scotland Yard, he assisting the local French authorities in the investigation into Gina's murder, this before Gina was actually murdered. Carliss seemingly is trying to frame Max for the murder. Max understands more when he learns who Carliss is. Despite the authorities being after him, Max does whatever he can both to clear his name and protect Carol, who he believes is in danger
dc.rightsAccés amb finalitat d’estudi o recerca o amb altres finalitats no comercials emparades en les excepcions legals a l’autorització de l’autor en què cal citar la font “Filmoteca de Catalunya”. Per a qualsevol altre ús cal demanar-ne l’autorització per correu electrònic a:
dc.rightsAccess for study, research or other non-commercial purposes covered by the legal exceptions to the author’s authorisation which require the source ‘Filmoteca de Catalunya’ to be referenced. For any other use, authorisation must be requested by email from:
dc.rightsAcceso con finalidad de estudio o investigación o con otras finalidades no comerciales amparadas en las excepciones legales a la autorización del autor donde es preciso citar la fuente “Filmoteca de Catalunya”. Para cualquier otro uso se debe solicitar su autorización por correo electrónico a:
dc.titleWHOLE TRUTH, THEca
dc.title.alternativeToda la verdadca
dc.coverage.countryRegne Unitca
dc.productionRomulus Films (Itàlia)ca
dc.productionValiant Films (Regne Unit)ca
dc.creator.actorGranger, Stewartca
dc.creator.actorReed, Donnaca
dc.creator.actorSanders, Georgeca
dc.creator.actorCanale, Gianna Mariaca
dc.creator.actorSillo, Michaelca
dc.creator.actorMolinas, Richardca
dc.creator.actorDyneley, Peterca
dc.creator.actorVan Eyssen, Johnca
dc.creator.directorGullermin, Johnca
dc.creator.directorartisticMasters, Tonyca
dc.creator.fotografiaCooper, Wilkieca
dc.creator.guionistaLatimer, Jonathanca
dc.creator.guionistaMackie, Philipca
dc.creator.muntadorHambling, Gerryca
dc.creator.musicaSpoliansky, Mischaca
dc.creator.productorClayton, Jackca
dc.relation.colleccioFitxa film

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