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dc.descriptionFarce, spy spoof, and adventure. Swarthy thieves ignore jewels to steal an Amazon figurine from the Museum of Man in Paris' Trocadero Palace and kidnap the world's authority on the lost Maltec civilization. Cut to Agnes, the daughter of a murdered man who possessed one of two other such figurines. Moments after her sweetheart, Adrien, an Army private with a week's leave, arrives in Paris to see her, Agnes too is kidnapped, drugged, and loaded on a plane to Rio. Adrien is in hot pursuit, and before he can rescue her (with the help of a shoeshine boy), foil the murderous thieves, and solve the riddle of the Maltecs, he must traverse Rio, Brasília, and the Amazon heartland... all before the end of his week's leaveca
dc.rightsAccés amb finalitat d’estudi o recerca o amb altres finalitats no comercials emparades en les excepcions legals a l’autorització de l’autor en què cal citar la font “Filmoteca de Catalunya”. Per a qualsevol altre ús cal demanar-ne l’autorització per correu electrònic a:
dc.rightsAccess for study, research or other non-commercial purposes covered by the legal exceptions to the author’s authorisation which require the source ‘Filmoteca de Catalunya’ to be referenced. For any other use, authorisation must be requested by email from:
dc.rightsAcceso con finalidad de estudio o investigación o con otras finalidades no comerciales amparadas en las excepciones legales a la autorización del autor donde es preciso citar la fuente “Filmoteca de Catalunya”. Para cualquier otro uso se debe solicitar su autorización por correo electrónico a:
dc.titleHOMME DE RIO, L'ca
dc.title.alternativeHombre de Río, Elca
dc.productionLes Films Ariane (França)ca
dc.productionLes Productions Artistes Associés (França)ca
dc.productionDear Film Produzione (Roma)ca
dc.productionVides Cinematografica (França)ca
dc.creator.actorBelmondo, Jean-Paulca
dc.creator.actorDorléac, Françoiseca
dc.creator.actorServais, Jeanca
dc.creator.actorDumas, Rogerca
dc.creator.actorRenant, Simoneca
dc.creator.actorRibeiro, Miltonca
dc.creator.actorOliveira, Ubiracy deca
dc.creator.actorCeli, Adolfoca
dc.creator.decoradorMonteiro, Mauroca
dc.creator.directorBroca, Philippe deca
dc.creator.fotofixaTrigo, Darcyca
dc.creator.fotografiaSéchan, Edmondca
dc.creator.guionistaRappeneau, Jean-Paulca
dc.creator.guionistaBroca, Philippe deca
dc.creator.guionistaRappeneau, Jean-Paulca
dc.creator.guionistaBroca, Philippe deca
dc.creator.guionistaBoulanger, Danielca
dc.creator.guionistaBoulanger, Danielca
dc.creator.guionistaMnouchkine, Arianeca
dc.creator.muntadorJavet, Françoiseca
dc.creator.musicaDelerue, Georgesca
dc.creator.productorDancigers, Georgesca
dc.creator.productorMnouchkine, Alexandreca
dc.relation.colleccioFitxa film

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