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dc.descriptionPsychology student Alan Newell, a black volunteer worker at Seattle's Crisis Clinic, receives a phone call from Inga Dyson, a housewife and mother who has taken an overdose of sleeping pills but will not reveal where she can be reached. Through a series of flashbacks, Mrs. Dyson explains that she wants to kill herself to solve marital problems precipitated when her husband, Mark, a fishing captain, discovered that their son is the product of a premarital affair. Newell and Dr. Coburn, a psychologist, arrange for the police to put an emergency trace on the call while Mrs. Dyson continues to talk about her feelings. Under the guidance of Sgt. Harry Ward, Patrolmen Steve Peters and Bert Enyard search for the woman while Mrs. Dyson recounts to Newell the coldness of her husband and a previous suicide attempt that resulted in her hospitalization. The police notify Mark of his wife's circumstances, search her home, and call the Coast Guard to transport her husband from his fleet to Seattle. Sergeant Ward enters the motel room where he has traced Mrs. Dyson just as she drops into a coma. A doctor notifies Newell that Mrs. Dyson can be saved, and, accompanied by her husband, she is placed in an
dc.rightsAccés amb finalitat d'estudi o recerca o amb altres finalitats no comercials emparades en les excepcions legals a l'autorització de l'autor en què cal citar la font "Filmoteca de Catalunya". Per a qualsevol altre ús cal demanar-ne l'autorització per correu electrònic a:
dc.rightsAccess for study, research or other non-commercial purposes covered by the legal exceptions to the author's authorisation which require the source "Filmoteca de Catalunya" to be referenced. For any other use, authorisation must be requested by email from:
dc.rightsAcceso con finalidad de estudio o investigación o con otras finalidades no comerciales amparadas en las excepciones legales a la autorización del autor donde es preciso citar la fuente "Filmoteca de Catalunya". Para cualquier otro uso se debe solicitar su autorización por correo electrónico a:
dc.title.alternativeVida vale más, Laca
dc.coverage.countryEstats Unitsca
dc.literarycreationALEXANDER, Shana. Decision to
dc.productionAthene Productions (Estats Units)ca
dc.creator.actorPoitier, Sidneyca
dc.creator.actorBancroft, Anneca
dc.creator.actorSavalas, Tellyca
dc.creator.actorHill, Stevenca
dc.creator.actorAsner, Edwardca
dc.creator.actorArthur, Indusca
dc.creator.actorNewlan, Paulca
dc.creator.actorColeman, Dabneyca
dc.creator.ajudantdireccioRoberts, Donaldca
dc.creator.decoradorBenton, Robert
dc.creator.directorPollack, Sydneyca
dc.creator.directorartisticPereira, Halca
dc.creator.fotografiaGriggs, Loyalca
dc.creator.guionistaSilliphant, Stirlingca
dc.creator.muntadorStanford, Thomasca
dc.creator.musicaJones, Quincyca
dc.creator.productorAlexander, Stephenca
dc.relation.colleccioFitxa film

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