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dc.descriptionRelaxing in jail for the ninth time in 11 years, Aldo Vanucci, alias "The Fox," remains unmoved by a discussion among fellow inmates Pollo, Carlo, and Siepi about a recent gold bullion robbery in Cairo valued at $3 million. However, when he hears rumors that his younger sister Gina has become a girl of the streets, he switches places with the prison doctor who has come to examine him and once again returns to society. Racing to Rome, he catches Gina trying to pick up a fat, middle-aged man on the street. Enraged, Aldo attacks the man, only to discover that his sister is making a cinéma vérité film. The incident provides Aldo with an inspirational idea for helping archcriminal Okra smuggle the stolen gold bullion into Italy. Posing as "new wave" director Federico Fabrizi, Aldo hijacks some motion picture equipment, hires a fading American matinee idol, Tony Powell, as his star, and sets up for location filming at a small Mediterranean fishing village where the bullion is to be brought in by ship from Cairo. He plans to incorporate the landing of the gold into the plot of his film and obtains the assistance of the local police chief. Everything runs smoothly until Tony's manager, Harry Granoff, tips off the police, and Okra pulls a last-minute double-cross which lands everybody in jail after a long chase involving the police and Interpol. To save Gina, Tony, and the innocent villagers, Aldo confesses, but not before hearing his film acclaimed as "the work of a primitive genius." Aldo is again sent back to prison with a 5-year sentence; but, since he has made a date for the following April, he undertakes to escape
dc.rightsAccés amb finalitat d'estudi o recerca o amb altres finalitats no comercials emparades en les excepcions legals a l'autorització de l'autor en què cal citar la font "Filmoteca de Catalunya". Per a qualsevol altre ús cal demanar-ne l'autorització per correu electrònic a:
dc.rightsAccess for study, research or other non-commercial purposes covered by the legal exceptions to the author's authorisation which require the source "Filmoteca de Catalunya" to be referenced. For any other use, authorisation must be requested by email from:
dc.rightsAcceso con finalidad de estudio o investigación o con otras finalidades no comerciales amparadas en las excepciones legales a la autorización del autor donde es preciso citar la fuente "Filmoteca de Catalunya". Para cualquier otro uso se debe solicitar su autorización por correo electrónico a:
dc.title.alternativeTras la pista del zorroca
dc.title.alternativeAfter the Foxca
dc.coverage.countryRegne Unitca
dc.productionCinecitta (Italia)ca
dc.productionCompagnia cinematografica Montoro CCM (Italia)ca
dc.productionNancy Enterprisesca
dc.creator.actorSellers, Peterca
dc.creator.actorMature, Victorca
dc.creator.actorEkland, Brittca
dc.creator.actorBalsam, Martinca
dc.creator.actorTamiroff, Akimca
dc.creator.actorStoppa, Paoloca
dc.creator.actorBuazzelli, Tinoca
dc.creator.actorRonay, Macca
dc.creator.ajudantdireccioAlessandri, Luisaca
dc.creator.directorDe Sica, Vittorioca
dc.creator.fotografiaBarboni, Leonidaca
dc.creator.guionistaSimon, Neilca
dc.creator.guionistaSimon, Neilca
dc.creator.guionistaZavattini, Cesareca
dc.creator.muntadorLloyd, Russellca
dc.creator.musicaBacharach, Burtca
dc.creator.productorBryan, Johnca
dc.relation.colleccioFitxa film

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